So I went on a blind date yesterday. It was my first, it was my last.

A girl approached me and said she had a friend she wanted me to go out with. Normally I would have just said NO!, but I hesitated, because this girl is pretty picky in her own dating, from what I've heard. I asked if she had a picture. She sort of did - The girl is in a band, and their website had a 1" picture that wasn't very clear. Long story short, I agreed to go.

I picked her up at 6 sharp, and was quite surprised by her appearance. Standing in front of me was the spitten image of my own sister, but just with slightly different hair and a slightly different nose. The date went well, but everytime I looked at her, I saw my little sister. How do you have any spark if you feel like you're on a date with your sister?

The girl who set me up told me she thought we would be good together because we looked similar, and thinks I ought to try to get past it. I think it's wierd. I'm curious on your thoughts.

PS - Oh, I almost forgot - Carl B (Cambrie's friend from AF) is involved with her band. Carl's wife is a band member(?) Apparently they're good friends. That scares me.


Christa said…
Which sister? She must be gorgeous!!! Seriously, if you had a good time with her, I would give it at least a couple of dates to see if once you get to know her better she stops looking like your sister!
Christa said…
(Brigham here again, I'll get my own account when I stop being lazy=maybe never)

If she looks like Christa--stay away from my wife!!

If she looks like Cambrie--ask if she believes in acupuncture.

If she looks like Breanna--stay away, word is Landon is kind of a tough guy but not too bright. He might beat you up on accident.

In all seriousness, she won't look like your sister after you've known her for a bit longer--this shouldn't be even a little deal let alone a big deal.

Date her, kiss here, marry her

Besides, she'll match in family pictures much better than Steve and I do.
Cambrienelson said…
I say if you had fun at all with her to just get to know her better. Don't kick her out of the possibility pool for such a little problem. At least she's not 300 lbs!
Christa said…
And her music is really fun! Brigham and I particularly liked the Peter Pan Song!
Chad said…
For all you curious, she's Buffy's lookalike.
Marilyn said…
Hey, everyone. I am home from camping. And I need to work on my SS lesson. But had to catch up. Chad, Here is a great truth for which I could sit on a mountain top and get paid to give such great advice: For you, I will give it for free!!! There isn't a person on the planet who is perfect. Therefore, if you are looking for something that bothers you about a person, you will always find it! Stop looking for what is wrong (then eliminating them) and start looking for what is right. We all have our hangups, and I for one am grateful Kim was willing to look past mine and marry me anyway...and look at all my wonderful kids and grandkids and sons in law that I have had to enjoy because of it. Perfect doesn't exist. Get over it. We LOVE you!
Gramps said…
DO NOT SAY IT WAS YOUR LAST!!!! Chad, Chad, Chad. Look for the GOOD. How old are you now? You could grow gray hair not dating because a girl resembles your sister....and swearing off blind dates besides?!? I'm amazed that your entire focus seemed to be her resemblance to BJ. (The picture doesn't look like BJ.) How was the date other than "went well"? That tells me it was she must have some good qualities. Oh...and I have advice for any girl you want to date: "Hi, I know I probably don't stand a chance but I figure you may be one of those girls that's so pretty everyone is scared to ask you on a date. If that's the case, let me know and I'll ask you. If not, I'm glad you're happy."
Gramps said…
"I for one am grateful Kim was willing to look past mine and marry me" [cough][sputter][choke] huh?

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