
Gramps said…
Yea, they played a lot of Saturday Night Live stuff on the news around here and it's been really funny. I liked the parodies of the debates the best.
Christa said…
We're going to miss these SNL spots! That's the only bad thing about having the election FINALLY be over!
Erica said…
That's the REAL Sarah Palin in this clip, though. She's a good sport! In fact, they were saying yesterday that Hollywood thinks she'd be a good afternoon TV show host. Interesting, huh...She's got a bright future, lots of options.
Marilyn said…
The thing I don't get is how the networks ripped her to shreds like she was the biggest joke of a candidate ever, and then as soon as the election was over, THE SAME people were saying that she would be a good republican candidate for President in 4 years! Perhaps because they are democrats and they want a definite easy candidate for their man to beat! I am just WAY glad that it is done!
Erica said…
No, I think they ripped her to shreds because she was a threat to their candidate. But now that the threat is over, they're okay with her again.

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