You'll all be relieved to know that we are 33% safer from spiders in the Nelson residence due to the fact that I, Cambrie, took moving tape to all of our screens. Yes, it may be a bit red-neck, but we have tape all around our poor-fitting screens so they are all taped to the windowsill so spiders cannot enter. At least I didn't use duct tape-- actually, I'm using duct tape as a remedy for the warts on my feet. Thought ya'll might like to know.


Gramps said…
Sounds like a good start. Do you have sticky spider traps around? Down in Grandpa's apt. I've got about 6 hobo-spider traps...amazing....they work with any spiders and crawly things. I put them by the places bugs are most likely to crawl and they fill up pretty fast.
Marilyn said…
humm...maybe not the best way to convince our children that spiders don't necessarily own the basement, dear. Let us define "pretty fast". There has been a "new" spider glue trap by the door of the apartment for about 4 months, and it has maybe 5 spiders in it.
Christa said…
That doesn't sound red-neck to me. No measure is too drastic to protect oneself from spiders!
Stevo said…
That's true Christa. In fact, the last time a stay-at-home mom got mauled by a spider was back in...uh?

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