I just got home from resigning from my job.
Yes, you heard me correctly (or read correctly). Not only that, it is all together possible that I will never work as a nurse again in my life. Ironically, I still have 3 classes to take until I get my BSN in nursing and yes, I'm going to finish (I should graduate in April).

Now that I have you all totally confused, I'll explain: Steve and I have decided that we are going to become foster parents of 1-2 foster babies with special health care needs. It pays about $1500/month per baby which will help out alot towards our lofty financial goals. And, I would't have to leave my daughter to go to work. We start foster paranting training next tuesday.

As for me possibly never working again as a nurse, here is my explanation: I plan on doing the foster paranting thing for 1 - 1 1/2 years after which time I hope to have babies of my own to care for. Soon after Steve should be starting his dental practice and I will be working in his office doing the accounting and payroll (you never want to hire someone to do this for you).

Yes, I'm going to finish my BSN. Why? Just in case.

Anway-- starting this fall we are going to have some pretty major life changes going on.


Marilyn said…
Yeah, sounds like it. Does that mean you won't be going to Dastrups for Christmas? When you go anywhere you take 3 babies...you won't be going anywhere without another adult along. Well, Lisa Stewart did it while her husband was in the bishopbric...but it is a Good trick!
Christa said…
Wow-- that's quite a plan! Best of luck to you! Brigham and I were seriously thinking about doing foster parenting in Baltimore but decided that it wasn't the right time for us then. I don't know when you would get the kid(s), but you may want to wait until after Steve's adjusted to his new life as a dental student. I obviously don't know what dental school is like, but I've heard the first 2 years are pretty hard. Adding Benjamin to our family on Brigham's 2nd day of medical school was too much stress on our little family for a long time!

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