
What a process! And we didn't even move that far! Good luck dastrups!

We were worried about the trains that run right by our new house (with no wall or buildings between us and the tracks) but the train was fine. It was the FROGS that were loud. There are very large fields right in front of our house and apparently they live there.

After our fridge was moved to our new place and put in position I started looking around the piles of stuff for the food to put back in it. I looked everywhere but couldn't find it (that happens when lots of people help you move). Finally, I got the idea of looking in the fridge. yep, it was there in bags. I had put it in bags so that it could easily be removed to move it. I feel bad for the guys who carried it. It was probably an extra 140 lbs of weight with the food in there! oops!

This morning Lydia woke up hungry and said "eat!" but then she got a very concerned look on her face and said "chair?! Chair?!" She was VERY concerned about where her highchair was. She is capable of sitting in the regular chair and eating at the big table, but I could tell she neede her highchair for security. So I went on a search and found it burried in the back of the garage. She was very relived to see her highchair. It was very cute.

My kitchen has about twice as much space at least as my last place. I have ALL of my food and ALL of my food storage in my kitchen currently,and I still have 3-4 empty cupboards. I'm going to fill them up with hall closet stuff. I LOVE excess storage space!

I'm debating on whether it is worth my effort to attempt a garden when we are only staying for 1 year...and it is late already...and our neighbors warned us of a gopher. We have a perfect garden space. Hmmmm...


Gramps said…
Do the kids look at it as an adventure or as a taking them out of their comfort zone. Cute little Lydia missing her chair. I had the impression this was a much smaller place than your other house...good to hear the kitchen is big with lots of storage. Did the Elder's Q help move? Moving to a different state or moving to the next still have to pack up and move the same amount of stuff so there's not all that much difference. Glad you made it with your junk. I'm anxious to see pictures.
Marilyn said…
yes, pictures would be nice. Maybe you could post them when the little guy is asleep at work. Were you able to the full move without taking time out from work? How is Kiera with it? I'll be you would like to FF this next week so that you could be done with the check out of your old place and have everything put away.
Erica said…
Your 2 bedroom place can't be that bad with a huge kitchen and a garage... :) Glad to hear you are at least on to phase 2 of the moving--aka unpacking.
Unknown said…
Glad you have storage space. I agree -- one day when we get our own place, I like your philosophy that you can never have too much storage space.

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