Did you read a good book?

I see reviews of good books on Goodreads from you folks. Some I wish I could read. Do you mostly use library books or do you buy them from DI or from half.com or.....? If you aren't just borrowing the books that you rate as good, keep them and perhaps Brett can make a family library page like he has the family recipe page. :-)


Erica said…
We have a small home collection (or did--we may have gotten rid of it in the move), but mostly I just borrow books.
Cambrienelson said…
We also have a small library. The online Groneman Library is a good idea. The rest I get from the library.
Unknown said…
So if I understand you right dad, you're talking about another site like the recipes site where the fam can post their book reviews right?

I can set that up. It wouldn't be incredibly difficult. I can't say that I'd be posting much of anything on it. Unless you want to have my review of "Nursing Research" or something...

Anyone else out there interested in something like that? If there's enough demand, I'll set it up.
Gramps said…
Not necessarily book reviews exclusively...books you have that other family members can borrow. Including reviews (maybe as comments) Dunno if other folks are interested in it. I've got a very small library of books anyone can borrow.

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