Happy Mother's Day to my sweet Daughters!

And yes, that includes my sweet Katie and Erica too! I just wanted to say thanks for being such great little mothers to my special Grandchildren! It was really fun to get to share it with Christa and Brett's families, and I got to TALK and SEE my missionary Buffalo! Skype is Great...even if she was totally pixelated! She looks good an sounds good, and the next time I see her live, will be at the airport!!! But I am glad that she still has 6 more glorious months of serving the Lord! And the lives of those who accept the gospel message that she brings will be better forever! Find some for me too Buff!

Christa organized a fabulous meal complete with NUMMY Alice Springs Chicken, Grilled Artichokes, and strawberry cheesecake...and Katie brought Coconut rolls, which were very nummy too! I got to hold sweet little Lindy, and mostly Brett and Kim did a boat load of dishes for us, so all in all I would have to say that it was a pretty terrific day!

Chad came over for a little while to with a nice gift. We missed Erica and Emmy, but it's like I spent forever teaching my children , "We must share...." And we have been a lot hog-gish with them lately. But I hope you all had a great mothers day too. We missed the Nelsons and their little princesses, but we hope you had a great mother's day too!

And after years and years of wondering if what I was doing to try to raise good kids would be enough, it is nice to know now ...that it was enough. I couldn't be happier with you kids or your spouses! I am grateful to the Lord (who heard and answered many prayers concerning you kids as you grew up) for inspiration and answers to heartfelt prayer when it was most needed as a mom...and for sending me good spirits in the first place! But without the gospel, in this world, it would have been a futile effort even then, but moreso now. Thanks for taking such good care of my grandkids and give them a kiss from grandma! Loves to you all!


Unknown said…
Happy Mother's day to you, Mom! Thanks for putting the time and effort into raising us right. Thank you for always sharing your testimony with us. Like the stripling warriors, we have no doubts that our mother knew it (the truthfulness of the gospel).
Marilyn said…
And you are like Stripling warriors, too! Thanks for turning out right! :)
Erica said…
I know it's late, but Happy Mother's Day to you too! You are a great mother-in-law. :) Thanks for raising such a great son and for being such a good grandma to my little munchkin too!

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