Breaking up is hard to do

Ever since I was a baby my parents would take me camping multiple times each summer.  We always had a trailer and were always going and doing things in it.  We'd tent camp too from time to time, especially when we started going to Canyonlands, but it was usually in a trailer.  I still fondly remember waking up to the smell of bacon and coffee while sleeping in the trailer bunk.  When Marilyn and I got married, family members gave us a lot of camping gear for our wedding (some of which we still have).  We would just sleep out in the back of our pickup truck for a while, but finally bought an old used canvas tent at a yard sale.  When Christa was a little tyke, we could finally afford to buy a trailer of our own.   A used Prowler.  We went camping quite often.  It got sold when we moved to Virginia.  We spent time camping at the mountain property too.  When we got back from England, we bought Saundra's trailer and used it for a few years and then sold it back to her when, in 1998 we bought a brand new trailer which brings us to the present time.

Staying in a trailer is nice and we now actually own three.  Two at the mountain and one in the driveway.  I thought that, like Saundra's family, our family would like the tradition of Reservation Ridge each summer.  Alas, it's not to be.  I still really enjoy it, but this year was the first time we've used our Aerolite trailer in 3 years.  Before that it was only once a year at Reservation Ridge.  We've decided that licensing the thing and stocking it and pulling it up and down a mountain (and again with the ATV trailer) is just more money/bother than it's worth, especially since Marilyn doesn't like spending more than a couple of days there and kids rarely come up.

We have our trailers at the mountain which is where kids seem to like to go so we'll do more of that.  Also, Marilyn and I both like to just take our ATVs to someplace and stay in a motel and eat at restaurants.  That's what lazy old people like to do and I'm both.  I can still take a tent to Reservation Ridge to spend some time up there with Saundra, but it's time to sell our Aerolite trailer.  Goodbye old've provided us with a lot of good times.   It's time to clean you up and put you on the market.  I've really been in the mood to get rid of unused things lately.  I sold the Canon camera & lenses and two metal detectors that haven't been used in years.   It's hard to part with things I've really enjoyed, but it's time.


Marilyn said…
I second the motion! The end of an era. It is just too much work to winterize, unwinterize (for me, stocking and putting it all away) with 2 trailers. I need less work, not more! And if we want to camp, we have a great place to do that.

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