And as a quick update on Brett's life, I'm switching jobs. I'm just going back to working in Macey's, but in the Provo store this time. I got a management position and they're giving me a raise from what I'm making now, which is good. They gave me a raise going from management to security, and now they're giving me a raise going from security back to the management job.

And now you know the recent events of my life, lest you think I've disappeared from the blogging world.


Gramps said…
Raises are good. We like raises.
Chad said…
Congrats dood.

(Yes I know how to spell dude)
Cambrienelson said…
You will run into alot more single girls at the Provo store than the orem store. Nice that you can walk to work if you need to. More $ is nice too.

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