Halloween Costume.

The 'bling' is in fact a tape dispenser with aluminum foil wrapped around it.


Christa said…
yo, yo, come to baltimore and we'll hook you up with some serious authentic blingage
Gramps said…
Ok...I give. Who/what are you supposed to be? A guy with a necklace?
Marilyn said…
yeah. Me too. There must be some new movie out that I am in the dark about. Who the heck are ya Brett?
Unknown said…
Just a homie. Nobody specific. That's not quite the full costume I'm wearing. I've now got chains and someone in the apartment complex has better shiney stuff. I think Christa got the right idea of it.
Chad said…
Old people won't understand this costume... :)
Marilyn said…
Yeah, especially if no one informs us! In looking at the picture again, I think you should go as Aladdins genie! It would take some modifications in the costume, but hey ya already got the right stance for it.!
Cambrienelson said…
old people are so out of the loop!!! Nice costume Brett.
Guess what I'm gunna be for halloween... yep, you guessed it: a pregnant lady. I thought of being a pregnant nun, but that takes too much work.
Gramps said…
Me, I'm gonna be and old guy that likes to take candy from kids. Scary huh? Remember your donate to dad piles this year......
Gramps said…
By the way Brett...I figured it out. Now if you would have pulled your pants down so the crotch was about at knee level it would have been more obvious.

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