Me at BrainShare. This is a webcam. Call me when you are watching and I'll wave to you:


Unknown said…
Yep. He's on there. I seen him first.
Marilyn said…
I didn't see our beloved KIM! Just a bunch of computer geeks that I know personally! Where are you my love?
Gramps said…
I told me! I could be just out of camera range.
Unknown said…
Yep. He's still there.
Christa said…
I see you, Dad! You look like you're having a good time! Do you still get a lot of free stuff at Brainshare?
Unknown said…
Yeah, Brainshare is giving out a free concert, food, and a comedian tonight in Salt Lake that Breanna and I are going to with a couple of people from the ward. And in my opinion, that's better than LED keychains or really cool Novell plastic slinkeys.
Marilyn said…
So, Brett. You and BJ will have to give us a report on your activity there tonight. For those of you who didn't know...Brett was going to take a girl named Breanna and our Breanna was going to take a guy in the ward named Brett. And they were going up as a double date. Unfortunately, BJ's Brett couldn't go :( Would have been a fun report!

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