Take a second and think to yourself: what would be the worst type of bug infestation?...... got it yet?
Well we have what I think is the worst: Black widow spiders. We have killed 7 of them in the past 2 days (I did 6 of the 7) and I get the worst case of the heebie jeebies whenever I see them or think about them.
I don't like spiders anyway, but I've taken care of one too many patients who have been bit by them and get massive wounds and things. So, the day after I get back from Utah I'm paying $115 to have pest control spray. The bad news is that they have to be directly sprayed in order for them to die so they recommend spraying monthly. Bla.
Christa, you no longer have to be jelous that we are living in a house.
Well we have what I think is the worst: Black widow spiders. We have killed 7 of them in the past 2 days (I did 6 of the 7) and I get the worst case of the heebie jeebies whenever I see them or think about them.
Christa, you no longer have to be jelous that we are living in a house.