I just keep thinking about the irony of why we are paying such high prices not only for gas, but for everything else because of gas costs. A big part of the reason that gas has skyrocketed as you all know, is because China and India, who in the past haven't used much of the worlds oil supplies, and now are, because we like to buy from them cause their stuff is cheaper than our own that we make. So follow the sequence: We buy household, etc items from them because they are cheap: The world, which is running out of easy cheap oil to find anyway, now has new big demands on it's oil supply which drives up the price: Because of high gas prices, the cost of everything is skyrocketing way beyond what it would be now if we hadn't started buying the cheaper stuff from India and China. And alot of jobs for Americans have been eliminated as they have gone overseas.
We would have been better off to have never started buying their "cheaper stuff" in the first place.

I also find it interesting to sit back and watch as the Lord wipes out one basic food source after the next. Wheat, rice and now corn in the midwest due to the major flooding going on.

BTW-Chad and Erica, Maceys currently has the best price on rice I have seen in a long time. $10 for 20 lbs of rice...and they do have it...or did 2 days ago. I don't know how they are pulling that one off...you haven't been able to buy rice at Costco, at any price for months now. And it also keeps indefinitely ( Not the brown rice, just the white).


Erica said…
I like your reasoning.

I'm out of town this week until Friday (Flagstaff, AZ efy session), but we'll keep remembering to check Macey's when we go. Thanks for the tip!

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