I was considering writing a blog with what I appreciate about both my dad and my daughtger's daddy, but as I was thinking about what I would write about both Dad and Steve I realized that they have a lot of good qualities in common. Both are GREAT with kids (how many grandpa's do you know who aren't exactly in their prime who will get down on the floor and play with their grandkids despite arthritis). Steve is VERY popular with all of the kids in every ward we've ever been in and I still think Kiera loves Steve more than me (I don't blame her). Both dad and Steve also have a great sense of humor which makes life a lot more fun as we all know. I appreciated dad being such a great provider for our family growing up and making it possible so that I could have a mom who stayed at home. I also appreciate Steve for not expecting me to work right now to contribute to the family finances. Anyway, I didn't realize when I chose Steve that I was choosing someone who had some of the same great qualities as my dad, but I chose wisely didn't I?
Happy Father's day to Dad and to the daddy of my daughter.
Happy Father's day to Dad and to the daddy of my daughter.