I'm now a 100% normal-in-every-way pregnant woman. My doctor took out the feeding tube this morning. I didn't realize what a pain that thing was until it was gone and I cold hold Kiera without it hurting, dress myself without it being in the way, etc.. Anyway, I'm glad I had it, but I'm glad it's gone. Maybe now I can just be a normal weight (instead of either under or over weight like I have been).


Christa said…
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Christa said…
Congratulations! I assume that you are still feeling fine? Are you going to be induced this time or not?
Marilyn said…
How is Erica? Still sick?
Marilyn said…
Whoopie for Cambrie?
How is Erica?
Cambrienelson said…
possibly being induced at 39 weeks. But I'll go with this baby's flow as long as she keeps treating me nice.
Unknown said…
Very Bueno!

Glad to hear it CAN.
Erica said…
That's so great to hear, Cambrie! :) I'm glad things are going well.

To answer your question, I am doing well. We think that baby is good too. I'm stil tired a lot and still have issues with the kitchen, but it's getting better. I think the fatigue is partially due to my high-stress life right now as well (work, church...). But I'm trying to take it easy, and I think I'm adapting to the changes happening to me. I've come to grips with the fact that I just can't do things like I could before or go at the same pace I could before. But it's all good! Chad's been amazing.
Gramps said…
Cambrie is back to normal...yippee!...well....as normal as Cambrie gets. Erica, I sure hope that son of mine is taking good care of you.
Erica said…
Definitely no need to worry about that! :)

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