In case you are all feeling sorry for yourselves for having to pay high gas and food prices, I'll make you feel a bit better:
I had to pay $5 for a gallon of milk a few days ago, and the price of gas right now around here is $4.65 (for the lowest octane).
there-- don't you all feel better about what you pay now?


Marilyn said…
Yes, and with those kind of prices, it might help get those Nelsons and BJ out of So California and closer to home! :)
Erica said…
Yuck!! Yes, it does make me feel better, somewhat. But I know that generally the salaries are a little better there than they are I guess it all balances out in the end.
Cambrienelson said…
Yes Erica, salaries are different-- but since we don't have a salary (living 100% off of loans) it doesn't make much of a difference to us.
Sorry mom, won't be moving to Utah since we would most likely be not make any $ there.

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