Katie's parents are coming home from their mission tomorrow, and we've been spending a bit of time in their house getting things cleaned up and ready for them. The other day, as I was cleaning out some of the cupboards, I found a bottle of some generic brand daytime cold and cough syrup (DayQuil). It expired some time in 2003 if I remember right. Now we've got plenty of expired medications still lurking in our medicine cabinets I'm sure. The unique thing about this was that it rattled when it was shaken up and there were big lumps coming out of the surface of the syrup. I drained the syrup and discovered that whatever was in there was too big to fit through the opening of the bottle. We cut into the bottle with a knife and found this:
(Click on the picture. Unfortunately the quarter wasn't included in our findings)
That's right: Cough syrup crystals. We're going to quit school, quit work, sell them on ebay, and go live in Park City in a mansion eating grapes and lobster for the rest of our lives.
Just thought we'd let you know in case you want to come up and stay in one of our many guest houses we'll have.
Just thought we'd let you know in case you want to come up and stay in one of our many guest houses we'll have.