Kiera and her daddy are gearing up for BYU football this fall.... Steve had her

practicing saying "go cougs" today (it still needs a little work).

Above is a picture of the stack of pillowcases I just finished making. As you can see, I made 2-3 pillowcases for each of the holidays (except I still need thanksgiving). We are going to have a family tradition of pillowcases for the month of each holiday. Hopefully I'll be able to send Kiera's pillowcases with her on her mission some day : ) Next project: Christmas stockings, then matching mommy/kiera aprons, then dress-ups for my little girls, then........


Chad said…
That's funny, I was asking Erica if we could get some Football tickets this morning... She wants to go to some of the earlier games before she gets too pregnant. After that, we'll be watching them on TV.

Marilyn said…
Fun stuff. Your ambition to sew is way ahead of mine. That is for sure!
Gramps said…
"We are sewing, daily sewing....." I dunno about Halloween pillow may give me nightmares. Sounds like a fun little tradition to start.

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