'Nother Music Video of Kiera

This is the sequel to her first movie. Hopefully it's just as good if not better. We have copies of clearer versions if there are any requests

Dad, enjoy all the spam you can eat!!!

Click Here just in case the video doesn't play


Christa said…
Too cute! You gotta teach us your cool tricks.
Unknown said…
Fun video CAN. (What program did you use to make it? I'm looking for something easier...)
Stevo said…
Katie, I used "Windows Movie Maker"
Gramps said…
Nice video job...had me smiling all the way through it. I like how you put video clips in there with the pictures and did such a good job of timing pictures with the music.
Unknown said…
Cambrie posted it... I guess I assumed she put it together. Good job Stevo.
Marilyn said…
Oh! Cute! Too bad I can't figure out how to hear the music on this computer!
Erica said…
So adorable!!! Great job! Brought tears to my eyes. :) You're a cute dad!

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