So, Keira and Cambrie came over to Aunty Buffalo's apt about 3 or 4 days ago. I had lots of fun and my roommate took pictures. I don't think Keira had as much fun because she wasn't feeling very good but she sure liked climbing up and down the stairs that lead into the pool. I'm so lucky I live close to a cute little lady that I can play with and have favorite aunt status with (sorry cake) More pictures are over in my pictures over yonder:



Gramps said…
:) that little girl sure loves stairs.
Marilyn said…
BUFFY! Good JOB! you posted! Good to see you in those fun pictures too! Love those three ladies! (Nearly 4!)

Cambrie, looks like your going to need some bigger maternity wear before long! Second babies are always more pokey out that the first...and you had been malnourished with Kiera of course...
Erica said…
Those look like fun sunny days!!!
Stevo said…
Man, that girl in the baby blue swimming suit is kinda cute!

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