Visions of little childrens laughter as they played in our little playhouse was the goal I envisioned as we gave away our little playhouse last week: But that was NOT to be! It is a chicken coop! Yes, we had several people who wanted it..but the ones that got it are turning it into a chicken coop! OK, whatever...Kim didn't have to tear it down!

I rode to Walmart today for the first time on my bike! And I was over there as fast as if I had been in my car! Funny how hard it is to break old habits: Even though I had firmly in my mind that I was leaving to ride my BIKE, I went in to get the car keys!~and then I again felt for them in my pocket as I was leaving the store!
Riding a bike will be a good thing! I was alarmed to realize how pathetic shape I was really in...my legs started aching before I had gotten 5 houses down the street, and it was a slight downhill slope!! We go walking all of the time, but that uses different muscles. So it will be good to let these muscles know that they are expected to perform too!

We got a grape vine that never produces for us (too much shade) pulled out today, along with a climbing rose that had the same issue, and was just a giant thorn bush. I was a beautiful day for working in the yard. Kim hurt that same muscle that about killed him off 2 Christmases ago yesterday, moving some cement slabs. So far, it is just sore...not killer stuff. And after last time's experience of extreme pain for weeks, he is being CAREFUL not to do ANYTHING to make it worse (we pulled out the bushes with the Jeep/ATV's). We are going to use those cement slabs to make a little patio in front of the swing in the backyard, but we will have to recruit some of our boys to help him with the placement. We are Apalled by all the easy ways to injure ourselves these days. It is Pathetic...I mean, were not in our 70's or anything! Anyway...That's news from the home front...now you know why you don't ask! :)


Chad said…
You ancient ones should learn to ask for help.

I wanted to get on my bike today... but oh well. I think I'm going to start riding my bike to work, as soon as the weather is nice during the weekdays.
Gramps said…
When I'm ready to place the cement blocks for the patio, I'll have to ask for your/Bretsker's assistance for an hour or so. I need to level the ground more and cut the rebar off that's sticking out of the blocks before that though.

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