Faster than a speeding bullet

Last fall I tried, without success for a month to sell our 3rd ATV. Had quite a few people look at it but no buyers. Saturday I decided to try again so I put it up on and had plans to put it on Craigslist as well. Not 5 minutes after I finished the KSL ad the phone rang. A guy wanted to come see it. In the next 30 minutes I got 5 calls. The first guy that came to see it said he was looking for something bigger. The 2nd guy that came bought it. What a difference spring vs fall makes. We are now a 2 ATV family and have a little more money in the bank. Marilyn & I spent the day working in the yard. Did a lot of tree trimming. I'm not looking forward to having to start to mow the lawn again, but I am anxious to get out on my ATV somewhere if I can convince my sweetheart that weekends are NOT for working. BTW, I have a season pass to AF canyon if any of you folks want to come use it at any time. It ain't Dizzyland, but it's close.


Marilyn said…
He also posted a free playhouse on Craigslist...but we haven't had a single call on it. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the roof is about to completely cave in ....
Cambrienelson said…
Hey, I would TOTALLY take it if I had access. It would be easy to fix a roof.
Gramps said…
Alas and alack, you don't live anywhere near where I could give it to you...I'd even fix the roof. Another downside of you living in California :(

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