And now, the rest of the story!

This is in referance to Brett's blog about the Cedar Hills council meetings being entertaining. I include it in here so that the reader may realize that you have to take what you read in the paper as, less than truth in many situations..
I wrote this email to the Fotheringhams as they have been leading out in an active fight against the proposal to build a clubhouse on the golf course. The city council is considering it, because right now, they can get it built on 1/2 as much money (the builders are willing to lose money on it right now, just not to be losing AS MUCH as they would with no work...hoping to keep their business intact and ride out this lousy economy until times are better). If built, it could be used for tournaments, and receptions (great location) and help pay for the darn golf course that has run in the red every year since it was we taxpayers pay for it. Anyway, it gives you the gist of what happened at the councilmeeting and the 1/2 truth that started a war between the residents of Cedar Hills and it's city leaders. BTW, Ken is our good friend and is on the city council:

I was talking to Ken and Diane last night. Diane (and of course Ken) was at the meeting where councilwoman Wright said that the "that the clubhouse issue was too complex for the public to understand." Diane said she said that, but finished the sentence with "in the one paragraph we can give them on a ballot to vote on" That totally is true. Put only taking half of her statement, is an insult to the rest of us and infuriated the public against her. Truth, is what we need from reporters, not sensationalism.
Ken did a lot of explaining of the situation, and took about 45 minutes to do it. Before, I was solidly behind the effort to get the clubhouse stopped. Now, I think it should be done. Kim does too. We and Kirks, wish that the darn golf course had never happened in the first place. But it did. We can't change that. But after hearing the explanation of everything that has been happening since then, I do think we should go ahead and do it, while costs are low to build. We had serious questions about the wisdom in doing so, but now I really think we should probably just do it, so that it would have a chance of paying for itself (Highland Gardens is making lots of money on their facility's for a reception center. The clubhouse location is MUCH better, and a reception center would really help to pay for the golf course.)

Well there is too much to put in here. But I think you ought to sit down with Ken , with an open mind about what he has to say. We have the golf course. We all hate that. But there are ways to make it profitable, which we cannot do with current circumstances.
The herald guy, is not printing the whole truth. He is just taking bits and pieces of what will arouse readers to anger against the council people we elected. It sells newspapers.
I feel bad about all the bad feelings that this has stirred up in our community. Feelings, I believe that wouldn't be there if everyone understood what I understand now...which of course I can only graze the surface of in an email. Education is the key to peace, but how do you get everyone together, and turn down the anger level so that they will listen with an open heart directed to understanding, instead of thinking about their attack as the other tries to explain?
People in our community trust the Fotheringhams. You have a large influence on the rest of everyone who knows you. I would like you to talk to Ken ...and listen to understand...and then follow your heart.

This isn't the first time I have known the "rest of the story" of something printed in the paper that was totally misleading. Take it with a grain of salt folks!


Gramps said…
There are no good options for the golf course...If we let the bank take it back, the city loses it's credit rating and bonding capacity. The bank won't allow it to be sold to a developer. Just letting weeds grow on it and stopping it being a golf course would still leave us the debt we already have and a big bill for maintenance costs to keep the weeds down. There are no good choices....the best one is to spend a little more money on it and see if it can make money and THEN we can sell the dang thing.

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