Ty Sits Up!

Cambrie is not the only one with talented children! It's crazy to see Ty blowing through all of his milestones!

Brigham only has 2 more days in his 20's and as a second year resident! I'm excited to be in the same decade as my husband again AND in our last year of residency. Hooray!

Jacob starts summer school tomorrow... we are saved! There is much to rejoice about here in Albuquerque.


Gramps said…
:-( It says the video I requested is not available when I click on it. I wanna see TY!
Gramps said…
Oh...now it's working! Tipping doesn't seem to phase him...he just keeps his focus on the job at hand. Cute kid.
Chad said…
Wow! I'm impressed. Emmy is still learning how to sit up - She looks to be right about the same spot as Ty. But he's seven weeks younger than her! I think it might be because she's got such a tall frame to balance ;)

Emmy can say a word: Sometimes when we say, "Hi Emmy!" she'll respond with "Hiiiiuuuh". Sometimes followed by a "Pfffffmmmttttttttttt".

Happy to see the little guy looking happy and content. And focused on that cool toy!
Erica said…
It's fun having these little ones so close in age. I love it! It'll be a riot when they're a little older and can play together at family reunions, etc.
Gramps said…
...and they can play together in the playhouse! (Kind of got a one track mind lately, don't I.)
Erica said…
Hey, this is Brigham's "Golden Birthday," isn't it? Cool! (30 on the 30th)
Marilyn said…
One last day of Brigham being in his 20's. Let's all join together in a moment of silence for the loss of his youth. (sigh)

SO FUN TO SEE TY sitting UP! Wow! Thanks for sharing!

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