Brett's the Man!

So yesterday I came home and thought to myself : "Self, I really need to keep going on this playhouse and get the door jamb finished and get the doors hung but dangit...the stupid lawn needs to be mowed....AGAIN." So I decided the lawn could wait one more day while I spent the evening hanging the front door on the playhouse. And it came to pass that after a while whilst in the middle of my labors, I did hear a sound...and that sound was sweet.
It was of a lawnmower so I didst turn around and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but Bretsker mowing the lawn to my rear. Bless you my son, bless you. So..the moral of this story is when you come and see the playhouse and it actually has doors, you can thank Brett in part.


Cambrienelson said…
Brett-- I thank you on Kiera's behalf. She will LOVE the door.

(oh and thanks to you too gramps)
Stevo said…
Buff, did you read this post?! I know how you could score some SERIOUS brownie points here in Loma Linda!!!
Gramps said…
Oh, you're building a playhouse too Steve?!?

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