The million dollar smile

The enemy bombers were right on target and got Marilyn's bridge. It collapsed. I've put so much money into her mouth I should start taking out an insurance policy on it. Every time this happens (often) we have to put over a thousand bucks into it again. Motherly advice: Don't get any tooth pulled that can be saved. So she got it temporarily put back in....and it fell out less than 4 hours later. She's at an oral surgeon right now finding out what options she has. We *were* going to Marysvale to spend a week next week but that's been cancelled because we know what happens when you go on a trip with temporary things in your mouth (right Christa?). Besides...we probably can't afford it now. Good news for Kiera (Benjamin?) I have more time to work on the playhouse before you grace us with the pitter-patter of little feet around here. (Sorry Brett, wear ear plugs while sleeping)


Cambrienelson said…
Thats too bad that she's had all of that trouble. I'm sure you would have much rather had $ for fun trips (like visiting us!). Good advice on the teeth.
Stevo said…
Why would you go to an oral surgeon for a bridge? Is the oral surgeon well known for doing bridges b/c they mainly deal with teeth extractions? They charge more than a general dentist for doing the same thing. Then again, you know the information better than me...
Stevo said…
If you want, one of my professors actually flies down from Pleasant Grove every week to teach us. I could ask him who he trusts as a good dentist that he'd recommend to fix your bridge--it'd probably be a lot cheaper than going to a specialist.
Let me know by tomorrow
Gramps said…
She's not going to replace the bridge....instead she's going to have crowns on both sides and an implant between. Expensive, but in the long run cheaper than replacing this stupid bridge every couple of years.
Marilyn said…
Yup. Going with the implant & 2 crowns....going to cost over $2K. :(
NEVER NEVER NEVER let them take out your teeth or grind them down to do anything that isn't absolutely necessary. And ASK EXACTLY what they will be doing. I didn't understand what a bridge was until it was too late to reverse that decision!

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