
Christa said…
So darling! Where were you? I love the picture of Lydia sitting on the desk. Did she get up there on her own??
Erica said…
SO CUTE! I absolutely love these pictures! Fun to see Lydia running around. :) And Kiera is such an adorable big sister!
Gramps said…
Cambrie, the pictures you post just always make my day...they make me smile and laugh. I like the two girls in the basket pictures. :-)
Gramps said…
From the "White Christmas" movie:
Sisters, sisters,
there were never such devoted sisters;
never had to chaperone no sir,
i'm there to keep my eye on her. Caring, sharing,
every little thing that we are wearing;
when a certain gentleman arrived from Rome,
she wore the dress and i stayed home;
all kinds of weather,
we stick together,
the same in the rain or sun,
two different faces but in tight places,
we think and we act as one.
Those who've seen us,
know that not a thing can come between us;
many men have tried to split us up but no one can.
Lord help the mister,
who comes between me and my sister;
and Lord help the sister,
who comes between me and my man.
Cambrienelson said…
we were at the duck ponds of the local VA hospital about a block away from us.

Lydia climbs up everywhere. Yes, she gets up there by herself.
Marilyn said…
This is really Marilyn in the "Q"
LOL!! so VERY CUTE!! how fun! I get the feeling that Lydia doesn't ALWAYS enjoy those hugs :)

Goslings in October? you goose doesn't seem to know there is a time and purpose for everything under heaven...and her timing is all wrong. Maybe someone told the goose it doesn't matter in So Cal.

With a climber like Lydia, you will have to keep a close eye out!
Marilyn said…
That chair isn't that does she get on top of something higher than her knee?
Gramps said…
I just had to put a couple of these pictures on our fridge.
Christa said…
Geese can be pretty mean! Are they ever threatening?

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