We went to disneyland today. Just trying to make the most of our passes before they expire in March. 2 girls missed there naps but still had fun.

2 More earth tremors today. Acutally, I had just finished typing the previous sentence when my computer/world started shaking...yet again. I can't tell you the way it makes my heart start beating fast each time it happens. It usually seems to happen while my girls are sleeping (like right now). I always hesitate to go running in there and rip them out of their beds to go outside because it might just be yet ANOTHER small one. But what if I hesitate when the big one actually comes? I hesitate saving my children's lives just to save them some sleep? I've been having earthquake/food storage nightmares lately. I wish it would stop!


Breanna said…
what cute pictures and cute girls! I miss those little ladies. Hopefully, i'll be able to take a break off of work to come visit before my disneyland pass expires. Glad we don't get earthquakes here :-)
Erica said…
Cute pictures!

I don't know what I would do if I were in your situation with the earthquakes. That's scary stuff. Supposedly we're long overdue for the big one here, but I think it will still come as a surprise someday. The little tremors at least get you thinking about it. People don't think about it here.
Chad said…
Move to Utah. I've never felt a tremor here at all.
Gramps said…
Right Chad. Little earthquakes are good as they release the pressure. Here it's been building for hundreds of years so it will be a doozy when it does let loose. You're not safe anywhere.
Marilyn said…
Yes, but lots of tremors can also be an indication of a big one about to happen. You aren't safe anywhere really...I have only felt one tremor here, but that could just be setting us up for total devastation when the big one hits. Everyone should be as prepared as you can for that event, and then just pray for guidance of when to run if a big one does start!

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