More picts of Emmy

We've had a request for more picts of Emmy. You can see some more detailed explanations on the Groneman Bunch blog. Enjoy!

Amazing how she's born with the nurturing instinct! It shows.

Watching the Olympics in her chair with her baby.

She loves to show love and be loved.

She loves to explore new things. Fearless child!

She loves playing horsey (or doggie) with Mommy and Daddy. It wears us out sometimes!


Marilyn said…
SO FUN!! You have captured some great moments! Some of which will likely show up in a wedding slideshow some day! Thanks for sharing! I need to save these in my picture files...Kim remind me!
Gramps said…
I love that smile! Lasagna covered or not. Her hair really starts to look long in these pictures compared with some earlier ones. Thanks for posting these.
Cambrienelson said…
Fun pictures. Big grins in all of them. Her hair is getting long! Warning: the horsey game wears hole in your favorite pants! I've lost MANY pants to the horsey game.
Christa said…
I can't wait to get Ty and Emmy together-- they sound like two little peas in a pod! And I can't wait to see what Grandma's house looks like afterward!
Gramps said…
They are two little peas in a pod...our February calendar picture are of those two...and it's adorable!

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