Our trip

It was actually a really, really, really good trip.   I took the NKPs (formerly SysOps) to Marysvale where we stayed in the oldest hotel in Utah....and it's been continually used as a hotel.   It's the one I suggested a few years ago we do a family reunion in, but Marilyn wasn't too keen on the idea.  Now that she's stayed there, she is VERY keen on the idea.  I have never stayed anywhere that had anywhere near as much character as this place has.  It's furnished and decorated with the antiques that have always been there.   The beds, the claw foot bathtubs, the old pictures, etc.  The place just radiates old fashioned charm.   Above the door there is a sign that says "Arrive strangers, leave friends" and it has never been so true.  Randy/Katie (owners) just make you feel like family.  They're also great cooks. (There's a sign in the kitchen that says "Dinner Choices:  Take it/Leave it")  It has a little old fashioned sitting room and a small little dining room with a kitchen next to it.  When we had filet mignon the first night, they churned some home made ice cream for desert.  All the food they fixed was nummy.  Of course we went ATV riding and it rained both days of riding when we were in Marysvale.  We rode over the mountain and encountered snow in the pass the second day then rode down to the Freemont Indian Museum. We were all dressed for the weather so it was kind of like Skiing....cold and wet but who cares?  It was beautiful riding through the fall colors and the snow and rain.

After 3 nights there, we moved to Ruby's Inn near Bryce.  I've never stayed there (too expensive) but it was a nice hotel.  Nice, but not charming.   The next day we took the ATVs over to Casto Canyon, which we've ridden before (Your mom's favorite ride) but it was totally different this time.  After 6 inches of rain in the area the past few days, even the road to get to the trail head was washed out with a 2 foot drop off.  (However, it never rained on us that day. )We had to park in the road, unload ATVs and ride through washouts just to get to the canyon.  Once there, we found the trail had been mostly washed out up the canyon too.  We kept running into 3-4 foot dropoffs where the trail had been washed out and we would have to back track and ride up the bottom of the wash to try to pick up the trail again.  It was really fun!  There was still a little bit of water coming down the canyon which just made it interesting to drive.  Of course, it was beautiful and we saw it from a different perspective since we were at least half the time in the wash (The "wash" is about 30 feet across....heavy water comes down that canyon).  I think that's the most fun ATV ride I've ever taken.

That night we went to a new "Ebenezer's Cowboy Dinner Show" across the street from Ruby's.  I was pleasantly surprised.  The entertainment was pretty good.  The next day we went into Bryce and hiked from Sunset to Sunrise point then went to Bryce Point then headed home.  We stopped in to visit Grandma who was talking in all kinds of random mixed up thoughts.  Anyway....TAKE THAT YOU OL' BURGLERS!  Ha!  We were gone and you didn't even know!


Marilyn said…
I actually think that a few of those people on the trip liked this better than last years Hawaii trip! There were lots of smiles and happy people in spite of the heavy rain! Good times! Now it is time to let the ATV's rest and go into hibernation!
Gramps said…
They're all washed up (they were REALLY muddy!) and the snowplow is now hooked up to one of them, ready for winter. Enough ATV riding for this year.
Christa said…
Better than Hawaii?? That would be hard. I'm glad ya'll had a good time, though. Good work, Dad.
Unknown said…
Sounds like a fun trip. Good job outwitting the burglars.
Marilyn said…
I didn't think it was more fun than Hawaii...but some of the sysops acted like it was.

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