
There's this one place on our walk that always grows mushrooms.  It varies from a couple of them to a couple of pockets full.  A couple of days ago it had more mushrooms there than I had ever seen.  Must be about 10 pounds of mushrooms we picked, chopped up, and put in the freezer.  They are nummy in spagetti sauce (which your mom bottled yesterday...along with some spicy tomato juice.....she was tuckered out at the end of the day).


Unknown said…
Mushrooms ... yuck!
Gramps said…
My boys hate 'em, my girls like 'em. Marlyn always told me girls were smarter than boys.
Marilyn said…
They are nummy, and if you've eaten my lasagna or spagetti then your eatin' um! This place in the park has more than I have seen anywhere else and if I were to have bought that many it probably would have cost me $40.00 or so. And I love the bargain of FREE!
Unknown said…
True, I have had your lasagna. And while it's good, I prefer the shrooms to be gone. One day you're going to pick a bad mushroom and regret it.

Nasty slimy gross.

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