Made it home

9 1/2 hour drive home. 1 30 minute stop in Mesquite at McDonalds, 1 other potty-break stop. Thanks to dad's DVD player and my fixed power outlet it wasn't that bad of a drive. It is a GOOD THING we took your dvd player those since mine is apparently non-functional now.

Lydia who had abandoned all potty training in Utah came home and immediately went in the potty. Then she did it twice more independently before bedtime and went and told steve when she was done. Apparently, Utah potties are not good enough for Lydia's tinkles.

I got home in just enough time to change my clothes and go to work. Good thing my job is more of a break than work. But I just keep thinking of the thousands of things I need to do at home right now....


Marilyn said…
Well, thank goodness that she is still ok tinkling at your place! Grandma's place will come. Glad your are safe and well.
Gramps said…
I'm sure glad you made it home safely. I always worry overtime when you are making that long trek alone with the two little ladies in tow. It was fun to have the three of you around for a few days!
Erica said…
It was definitely a fun surprise and addition to our Thanksgiving Break to have you guys here for a few days. Glad you made it safe and that your trip back was pretty uneventful.

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