So, da plan!

The Thanksgiving feast this year will be at 3:30-4ish. Sounds like that works for everyone. And that, in and of itself, is something to be thankful for!
And before I forget to ask: Did everyone (but Dastrups, evidently) vote to have ham this year? Christa and I think it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without the Turkey. We CAN to both, so don't panic people. But I would like to know what your preference would be.

Kim and I will provide Turkey, Ham, gravy, Pies (and I wouldn't cry buckets if someone wants to take over pies-I hate making crusts, but it would have to be our traditional recipes or Kim will likely boycott the whole thing!)
Christa -Sweet Potatoes and Stuffing
Chad and Erica-Mashed Potatoes and Fruit something or other
Brett and Katie-ROLLS! Maybe a few Orange rolls even? :) and Veggie Tray
If you choose to take over pies, I will provide the pie apples (bottled) and take over one of your assigned dishes.
If anyone has a traditional thing on their side of the family, feel free to bring it! And an appetite! Just remember, calories don't count on Thanksgiving day.


Unknown said…
Keep it simple, Mom. You don't need to do ham and turkey. Turkey is for Thanksgiving, ham is for Christmas. Everyone knows that. Tell anyone who has a problem with that to cook the ham themselves.

Yum yum!
Cambrienelson said…
I'll have plenty of orange rolls down in california if any of you want to come get 'em.
Erica said…
We'll bring our assigned dishes plus a green bean casserole (unless you guys hate it, then I won't bring it! Let me know!). And I'm with Christa--Turkey is for Thanksgiving, ham is for Christmas. Personally, I love the dark meat on the turkey. Yum Yum!
Gramps said…
I'll miss you and yours Cambrie :'-( . . . But that won't stop me from gorging on pumpkin pie. :-\
Marilyn said…
Yes, I wish Cambrie's Family could be here...but we will have you in our hearts!
Erica, go ahead and bring it! I am willing to try it out. Kim loves that kind of stuff, but I never make it, so it will give Kim one more reason to love you!
Unknown said…
We'll be there.
Katie Groneman said…
I've never made pie although I think my Mom's (actually my Grandma's) crust is pretty good, but I'm too scared to try it myself.
Gramps said…
FYI I think Green Bean casserole is OK, but with so much other stuff to eat, it won't be on my favorites list. If someone else likes it though, I'll pro'ly have a little bit. I never turn down food (unless it's liver or freezer burned).

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