Christmas at the Groneman house

Here are PICTURES OF OUR CHRISTMAS. It started for me about 4:30am when I woke up.  I laid in bed until I could hear indications from the basement that someone was awake.  I got up and brought come carefully hidden presents upstairs, turned on all the Christmas lights and just looked at the magic for a few minutes before Chad called to say they were about ready to come upstairs.  I originally thought this was going to be a quiet, uneventful Christmas for Marilyn and I as it is an off year for Christmas....the married kids were supposed to spend it with the other side of the family.  Well since Katie's parent are in Hawaii they decided to spend the morning with us after Brett got home from work.  Erica's family had their big shindig on Christmas Eve so they decided to share their Christmas morning with us.  It was really fun being able to watch Emmy's Christmas.  She didn't understand it but it didn't take her long to get into opening presents and playing with new toys.  Watching young kids like that discover the magic of Christmas is just the best part.  When Katie/Brett showed up we got breakfast underway.  We had bacon and sausage (most of which didn't make it to the breakfast table).  We had monkey bread and blueberry muffins, fruit, and orange juice.  Breanna suprised us by calling fairly was good to hear her voice and to know she was having a good fun Christmas with a family back there.  After we opened presents, we took B&K to the airport for their week long trip to Hawaii to spend with the Borups.  After we returned, we had lunch and then the Dastrups showed up and we got to spend some Christmas time with them.  We got to talk to Cambrie for a little bit too, though it was too busy around here to take the time to sit down and talk.  It was a great day and much different than I had anticipated it being.  There's nothing like having loved ones around to share Christmas with.  I had a real smile when I found Benjamin had learned some dipolomacy.  I asked him what was his favorite gift he received.  He said "The one you gave me" and pointed to a silly little race game I had given him.  :-)  When I pressed him further, he said it was probably his BYU stuff.  It made me smile to think he was trying to please me.   A sure sign of maturing.   Thanks everyone for making my Christmas so special!  Now we get to go spend a few days with the Nelson's and enjoy them.  Sorry laws are on their way!  (I can't upload any pictures right now because Blogger is having "issues")


Marilyn said…
It sure was so much fun yesterday! We really enjoyed watching Emmy open her presents and watch her excitement and joy. Christmas is never as good if their aren't little children around to enjoy it with! But that we got to spend the day with so many of you was just WONDERFUL! Thanks for a really special day with you kidlets and your kidlets!

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