Greetings from California!

Well, I have all 3 of my children down for naps. Kim, Kiera and Lydia are all snoozing, and Cambrie and Steve are off having a rare bit of alone time with each other. They don't get a lot of that. Especially, lately!
This morning we went over to the VA Hospital to feed the duckies...and there were baby Duckies! SO DARN CUTE! They have probably only been hatched out for a few days, cause they were oh so small! It was really fun to watch them and the little ladies.
Yesterday was another rainy day in Southern California. Not that they needed that. For the last 3 days they have been trying to get rid of the mud in the streets from the 18" of rain that they got last week. We are talking THICK MUD! And even where they have cleaned off the worst of it, so there is a little bit left, the traffic makes it fly around as dust so there is dust everywhere too. And the storm drains are filled with THICK solidifying MUD. I am not quite sure how they fix that. But they are sure working at it.
Yesterday, while it rained we did FHE and made a graham Cracker gingerbread house for the activity. It was fun. And today after lunch it was a fun time again, eating it :) Actually, I enjoyed eating Cambries corn and bean salsa more than the house. It is really good! She says she will put it on Brett's new recipe website. So get ready.... good stuff!
Yesterday we also went to the "Soup plantation" for lunch....where there was nearly weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. When we asked Kiera where she wanted to go for lunch she said, "to the place that has MAC N CHEESE!!" So we did. Only they were out of MAC AND CHEESE. Crisis time, I am telling you! Thankfully a shipment came in while we were there, and Kiera was able to have her 3 plates full of the yellow death, and the crisis passed.... there was much relief in the land!

We were going to come home on Dec 31, but that plan has changed. We will come home Jan 1 instead. Here is some MOTHERLY you won't ever want to forget: DO NOT EVER EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING TO OR FROM CALIFORNIA ON A DAY CLOSE TO A HOLIDAY !!! Or you will experience that weeping and wailing I referred to earlier on. One half of California goes to Vegas for any holiday. We decided rather than face the nightmare that it would have been on the freeway last Sunday, that we would come on Monday instead. It was still pretty much a nightmare. Just not a total parking lot. So we figure that if we get up and charge early New Years day, everyone in Vegas will still be sleeping off their hangovers and we can pretty much sail home unimpeded. Sounds good. THERE. That bit of information alone was worth the reading this whole long blog for. So. AMEN, and I am done.


Gramps said…
Yea...what Marilyn said.
Unknown said…
Sounds like you are having a good time. We have had a foot of snow and a week of vomiting. I'll be more than glad when it's over!
Cambrienelson said…
It has been fun to have mom and dad here!
So sorry dastrups have the vomits. get well soon!
Cambrienelson said…
It has been fun to have mom and dad here!
So sorry dastrups have the vomits. get well soon!

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