Coming Soon to a Hospital Near You!

I had a Dr.'s appointment on Friday and had an elevated blood pressure. 24 hours of collecting urine later, I was put onto "complete bed rest with bathroom privileges". Instead of going to church today, I get to make lesson plans (too bad I had them all pretty much ready for May). Unless I suddenly start having some of the more serious preeclamptic symptoms, I'll go back to the Dr. on Tuesday, and then we'll go from there. We're hoping to get to next Saturday (37 weeks = full term). So, baby Grizelda will likely be here much sooner than we were planning. My brain hasn't quite gotten used to the idea that I'll probably have a baby this week...


Marilyn said…
OUCH! That is nasty and dangerous stuff! We will keep you in our prayers...and come for dinner. You can lay on the couch here!
Gramps said…
Hope you're OK...but I can't wait for little Grizelda's debut! I won't be around this week so I may miss all the festivities. :-(
Gramps said…
Oh...and it's a GOOD THING you still have bathroom privilages!
Chad said…
We're so excited for the new arrival! The next few weeks probably won't be too fun. If you don't have netflix, I'm sure you can borrow the complete Little House on the Prairie collection from my parents.

Of course, you'll understand if I wish you a very long bedrest period. Heck, I'll even go so far as to wish you to be on bedrest till you hit 38 weeks.

Hope things go smoothly, independent of how long you have to stay in bed ('xept for the bathroom).
Cambrienelson said…
Oh my goodness! I hope that you and baby are ok. So, what do you plan on doing with all of your down time?
I'm so excited to see your bundle of joy!!
Erica said…
So sorry to hear that, Katie. :(

If you need someone (plus a little person who is interested in everything) to keep you company, let me know. :)
Unknown said…
We are excited to meet our newest niece! Good luck with labor, delivery, and your adjustment to motherhood!

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