Well, we got through the move :)

And Emmy loves her new place. She loves to run in all of her new space. I don't want to steal Chad and Erica's thunder about the new house...but with all that they have to do, they may completely abandon the blog for a while. But hopefully, they will be resting from the miriad of things that have to do so that they can blog some of their news.

I got to tend the Dastrup munchkins along with Emmy while the parental units painted the house 2 tone the day before they moved in. So I had a very busy day!
Jacob was found perched on the very top of the entertainment center downstairs. Everything up there was on the floor, except the TV.
Ty and Emmy were inseparable all day long...playing in the playhouse, pushing the leaves and dirt around with the toy bulldozer, checking out every plausibly navigable vicinity of the back yard. And they did a great job chaseing each other on the little car and scooter on the patio, and out to the trailer (yup...with me watching them every second). They both seemed to enjoy throwing the gravel out of the shed and the trampoline pit into the grass. I scrambled to get it thrown back, but with 2 of them ganging up on me, it was an uphill battle! They also managed to make a mountain of salt on the office floor. One of them found a cough drop and it evidently made several trips in and out of the mouth, judging by the everything that was covered in stickum. They dumped out all of the q-tips in the bathroom, and set the alarm clock to go off at 5 am on Saturday morning. They were busy!

Ty has the energy of 3 kids, and any child has 3 times the energy of grandma. Emmy tried to keep up with Ty all day long, but by about 5 pm, she was out of gas. By that time, Dastrups had returned to rescue their kids (or was it grandma??). We were in the kitchen looking out at Ty and Emmy who were sitting on the gravel in the trampoline pit. Emmy was bent over with her head on her feet. Christa said, "what is Ty doing? Is he putting rocks in Emmy's diaper?" So, so we went out to investigate. Emmy was bent over, crying softly to herself while Ty was doing his level best duty of filling up her diaper in the back, full of rocks. He had about 28 or so in there already. I had just changed her, so she was dry. So I pulled down the diaper, and dumped the rocks, and brought her in the house to give her her food. It was apparent that although it was only about 4:45 she was TIRED! She ate her pizza, and I gave her a cookie. And then, I witnessed, what I never witnessed with my own children: She fell asleep while eating the cookie!
Poor little lady! Pretty tuckered out! I understood completely, I was pretty tuckered out too!
I got her jammified, and put her to bed without any sort of protest. She was just dead.

Come the next morning, Erica was wondering how in the world a rock got into Emmy's diaper. Woops!

I learned some pretty inspirational facts last night in the Adult session of Stake Conference: "The reason that grandparents develop such a great bond with their grandchildren, is because they share a common enemy!"
OK< so it's not very applicable in our family, but I still thought it was funny!

Another speaker said that he asked the father of a very successful family in their ward (you know, all the boys went on missions and their kids all got married in the temple, and are being great contributors to society) how he managed to raise such great kids. His answer: "I found me a a good woman & married her and we had children. And then I stayed the heck out of the way!"
Ain't the church GREAT?? I love it!


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