Just so you know

I loved returning from our little get-away and finding some great stuff on the blog. I wish you would also post your best stuff on our blog too, for our family history. Kim prints everything off on our blog, but it doesn't pick up your blogs posts...which when there is a big event like graduations, new jobs, terrific accomplishments and really fun stuff...it is tragic not to have it included!
Also, for whatever reason...maybe as a tender mercy for all of you who hoped it would be that way...the blog is not letting me comment on your posts. Kim doesn't seem to know how to fix it. ..so just know, I do try. I am just locked out...it takes me on an endless cycle of signing in and typing in the security name weirdness and then back to sign in...so. I give up!


Gramps said…
Cambrie puts a lot of good stuff here, Christa has already said a couple of times she only has time to blog on her blog.
Erica said…
If it seems important enough for the family history, I'll put it here. Not sure why it won't let you comment on our blog. That's aggravating. If it keeps doing that, just send your comment in an email and I'll post it for you.
Marilyn said…
Thanks, Erica...BTW, the problem seems to be selective. I was able to comment on Cambrie's blog but not Erica's and Christas. :(
Unknown said…
If it is important to you to have my blog entries on your blog, you have my full permission to copy and paste them here.
Cambrienelson said…
Mom, the computer must hate the both of us, because mine does that to me too....about 50% of the time. I just tried to comment on Erica's nursery posting but gave up when it wouldn't let me.
Erica said…
Maybe it's something with our blog? I'll look into it. It's weird because other people can post, though. Hmmm.

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