Family Trip 2012

I was talking with Marilyn & Cambrie yesterday about our planned 2012 Alaska Cruise. When you figure it will cost each family about $3000 and take 9 days of having to take off work and get baby sitters, I'm thinking there may be preferable alternatives. So we got talking about the alternatives. The one that Cambrie liked the best was a trip to Moab. Not the Canyonlands trips of the past, but to Moab itself. Canyoneering, River running, Jet boat on the river, hiking, nice dinners in restaurants, etc. But she says she'd still like to do Alaska too. Another option we discussed was Yellowstone/Jackson. Ya see, I'll spend $3000 one way or the other. If we do the Alaska cruise, I'll spend it just on Marilyn and I. If we do something else, I may be able to spend some of it on you guys. What think ye?


Cambrienelson said…
let me mention too that the moab trip would be a hotel trip (not camping). I've always heard about moab being an awesome trip and we live so close.... with quite a chuck less $ we could have tons of fun/adventure/relaxation. And less time off for travel.
That's my vote.
Marilyn said…
I am fine with whatever. I do feel certain that you will have more "adventure" and activity in Moab than if you take a cruise. Since Kim took me and the sysops on a Moab retreat, I have felt rather cheated that we drove through there so many times without stoping to play when you kids were younger.
Erica said…
I would still like to do an Alaskan cruise someday, but I'm not sure I'm willing to spend the $3k+ for it right now with so many other priorities. Moab is a fun place. I've been there many times (camping and hotel), and it's actually one of the few places Chad and I have vacationed together. I like your idea, or something similar too.
Stevo said…
wow, I thought Cambrie was going to vote for a family trip to Nauvoo:)

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