Nelsons have reunited in Illinois

A sad day around the grandparents' house today. I was going to take Cambrie with me on an ATV trip but instead she took the girls and flew to Illinois. Interesting how I want to say "flew back" to Illinois. I wonder if that is a leftover from pioneer days when traveling East was "going back" to somewhere. Anyway....I've certainly enjoyed having Cambrie & her girls around. I never smile and laugh as much as when there are little ones around. I felt bad I didn't get to see you guys off at the airport, but I had already commited to Ken for the ATV trip. When I got home Marilyn was upset and crying because she misses you and thinking of you so far away made her sad. Maybe one day you'll be reasonably close. We can dream. Every time I see a Disney princess now I think of your girls.  However, in the meantime I can't wait to hear about, and see your adventures in Illinois.  I hope you post the minutia of your lives back there so we can feel connected.  I miss you guys!


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