I want all of you people who don't have kids yet to take a moment and enjoy the calm that certainly must exist around you right now. Don't get me wrong... kids are wonderful, but they are also a lot of work! Brigham has been working nights for a week and a half now, so it's just me and the boys most days since he's been very busy. Last night I put Jacob to bed just in time for Benjamin to "woo" in his big boy pants. In the middle of cleaning Benjamin up and went into the bedroom to get him some clean underwear, only to discover that Jacob had thrown up in his bed-- getting it all over the wall, the crib, the floor, himself...etc. Tonight was better, though. Benjamin wooed in his pants again while I was getting Jacob ready for bed. A friend had brought her two kids over to use our internet, and I heard Benjamin call from the living room, "Mom! There's woo on the floor!" He then walked into the bedroom, with woo running down his legs and getting everywhere. I called out to my friend to warn her about the woo, and when she checked, she found her one-year old eating it. Yeah, tonight was better. Can't wait for tomorrow!


Marilyn said…
oh the joys of motherhood! Christa, you are certainly earning your motherhood badge these days. So, I guess you decided against putting Benjamin back in diapers? Or did he just take them off himself? If he did, you go for the safety pins. Maybe you could put him out on the deck when it is time to woo...and tell him he can only come in if it he will woo in the potty!! Because you don't want woo on the carpet.

Trying times...but hey, now you know why they make such a big deal out of mothers day!!! Still, these stories could greatly impact my grandchildren production...I may never get anymore grandkids if you keep this up!
Gramps said…
What goes around, comes around. It may have taken 29 years, but revenge is sweet! Oh do post more stories like this. [evil grin]
Marilyn said…
great graphics ! I think I detect your dads tender touch in them though...hopefully today is better. Once days get SOOOO bad then they can only get better, right, Cambrie?
Cambrienelson said…
right mom. I would change you places in a heartbeat! Oh to have a nausea free day and be able to eat again!!

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