So I don't have picures of the blood and gore involved in my events a week ago. Those have not been emailed to me yet, and are currently somewhere in Arizona. However, my roommate did take this picture the next morning after I had my bump last week. It's a pretty cool picture, so I thought I'd share.

The short version of the story goes something like this:
Cedar Hills Fireworks, barbecue, good food, waiting for fireworks, we light our own fireworks, a girl and two of us guys start jumping through fireworks. I crash into the other guy. He got a goosebump on his head. Lots of blood from me and 21 stitches. 4 inside, 17 outside. My glasses got bent up, but went back to their normal shape.

I've been telling the people at work that someone at a different store pulled a knife on me while I was stopping them for shoplifting. Bwa ha ha. They believe me.


Marilyn said…
your sure good at making up on the spot lies (or more politically correct-imaginative stories to get you out of uncomfortable situations...makes me wonder about all the stories I heard from you in HS. Would you like to confess now and repent? :) )
I wonder how many security people will find other employment due to your imagination!!
Unknown said…
No, I haven't been telling the security people my lies. They'd see right through it. I've been telling the inquiring store employees my lies. I usually let them believe it for a while. Eventually, the "Wow, Are you serious?!" line comes up to which I reply "no" and walk away leaving them in their confusion.
Chad said…
You need to dish out the damage rather than take it :)
Gramps said…
Let me reiterate: Clumsey
Cambrienelson said…
at least you'll have a cool scar to tell stories about all your life
Marilyn said…
Poor fellow employees....I guess in time though, they will know what to expect!!

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