Two cute moments from yesterday: Brigham was getting dressed up in his suit for a picture he needed to have taken for his application when Benjamin walked in, looked at him and said, "You look too cute in that, Dad!"

At dinner, Benjamin announced that he was a missionary-- not Benjamin. We'd had the missionaries over for dinner last week, so I was curious to see what Benjamin had learned. I asked him what missionaries do, and he said, "Get invited for dinner, eat birthday cake, and sometimes teach a lesson." So now you know!


Chad said…
So that's why all the primary kids hope to be called on missions! After they've grown a foot, or two, and maybe some toes as well.

Benjamin makes me laugh. Bring him out here the next chance you get...
Unknown said…
Yeah, he's going to be all messed up and confused when they start talking to him about what missionary *work* is.
Gramps said…
That's my grandson! (well, not the too cute comment, but the what missionaries do comment....)

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