I was over to my mom's today with Ann and Kathy putting up her Christmas stuff. I told Ann that Kiera has already rolled over from back to stomach and from stomach to back. At 13 days. Ann says that she had talked to Malesa about how Kiera can scoot along and how strong she is, and Malesa (who worked for a long time as a NICU nurse at Primary Childrens) said, yes, that doesn't surprize her. She says that babies that are born from mothers who had very difficult pregnancies are always stronger than babies who are not. I don't have a direct quote from Malesa but in essence she said that it is natures way of preparing an infant for what appears to be a tough life...making the infant tough in advance of birth to be strong enough to withstand what comes. She says that the babies in NICU who struggle to survive the most are the ones that's mothers had easy pregnancies.

I have been telling people that I thought she was strong because of the steroids Cambrie was on for so long...better not have her tested for the baby olypics just now...she'd be rejected because of steroid use!!

Malesa also says that they do use steroids to infants (or maybe it was to the mother of infants) with underdeveloped lungs to help develop them.

Anyway, as I thought about that I thought about all the applications that are true to life:
Trials make us stonger, and undoubtedly, little Kiera had to suffer some with her mom when mom couldn't keep anything down. I wonder if she also felt cambries steroid induced depression and insomina. To some degree I think the answer is yes.
Those who lead cushy lives are the most crushed by adversity (which would seem minor to someone who has experienced worse) which would explain why Kiera didn't cry when she was born, where other babies howl to beat the band.
Adversity is a great teacher, although I don't know anyone who pulls out the welcome mat for it when it comes along. But it is good to remember that it truely is "all these things will give thee experience and be for thy good". Kiera is proof.


Gramps said…
I've lived with you for a long time. I'm as strong as they get. :D

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