Kiera had her baby blessing at the Nelson home last night. She had a pretty rough little day yesterday but thankfully she slept through the blessing and was so pretty and sweet in her pretty dress that Grandma Groneman made (mom definately has a talent for sewing that I don't have!!-- thank you for the dress!!).
Kiera has starting making little cooing noises which are so cute. I'll have to get them on video for ya'll.
Do me a favor and next time you dress her up in it, get some closer up pictures of her ok?
I can't tell in these pictures. Did it drown her?
BTW Steve, nice antlers!
Cambrie, I hope Kiera's fussyness yesterday was just a bad day and not a new is she now?
With that said, congrats on the baby blessing and the dress and all that Nelsons. Sounds like fun.
So she's been blessed. That's good. Congrats, little Kiera!