The Chad Report - How long 'till the weekend? - So, I'm on a trip to the east Coast. It's been a bit unpleasant so far, but I've had at least one new experience - I rode in a cab for the first time. My trip I'm on this week was chaotic from the get-go. I dunno if things were just really hard to get, but my travel planner lady gave me a fairly messed up itinerary. It's all correct, but nothing is what I'd expect. Long story short: One week, two customer sites, five airports (NOT counting layovers), three airlines, three hotels. How does that happen? I finished up with NYC this morning. I spent two hours on the NYC subways or walking in the streets above trying to get to various stations, because they had all sorts of random closings today, and I took the wrong train. And it was at least 80 degrees. When I got to the airport, there was a thermometer that said it was 90 degrees, but it was in the sun. I arrived in D.C. this evening, and it's warm here, too. Pleasant for being outside, but maybe not for sleeping. That normally wouldn't matter, but the A/C's in most of the rooms of the hotel I'm in are broken. It took me a while to check in because the front desk was so busy with people complaining that their A/C's didn't work. I think it will cool off enough before bedtime.
Dastrups - If I get time, I might be able to make a visit on Friday afternoon / evening. Depends on how things go. But I lost my cell phone, so I won't be able to call you. I don't want to interrupt any Friday night plans you might already have. Send me an email if you anticipate being around on Friday.
Dastrups - If I get time, I might be able to make a visit on Friday afternoon / evening. Depends on how things go. But I lost my cell phone, so I won't be able to call you. I don't want to interrupt any Friday night plans you might already have. Send me an email if you anticipate being around on Friday.