Check out what we made! Okay, Dad may have been able to do this in an hour with his eyes closed, but for two untrained carpenters, we are pretty proud of ourselves. We built a sandbox! I really wanted one for the boys, but the kind they sell are tiny. I wanted one big enough for Benjamin and his joy school friends to be able to play in. So Brigham said he'd make one for me! He got the instructions on the internet, and with a lot of improvising (in order to keep it from costing an arm and a leg to buy all the recommended tools and wood), and an afternoon of hard work, we now have a sandbox! Pretty cool, huh? What a great husband I have to spend his one day off in the week making me a sandbox!


Gramps said…
Looks like a professional job. Now all you have to worry about is all the cats in the neighborhood looking for a big litter box. :-O
Chad said…
LUCKY!!! I don't have a sandbox! You are SOOOOOooooo Lucky!
Erica said…
I've heard that if you sprinkle pepper in there it will keep the cats away.
Unknown said…
Formaldehyde has the same effect I heard.

And um, nice sandbox y'all. I wanna play. . . Looks like fun.
Marilyn said…
I notice that she has a tarp to cover it with to keep cats out. Good, fun toy for the kids. Does Jacob still like to eat sand?
Cambrienelson said…
Fun-- kiera wants to come over now!

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