Don't know if anyone is still reading comments on Chad's blog, so I will put here, that Lindon Cannery did have white wheat today, and they said that the church has decided not to buy anymore because it has gotten too expensive. Doesn't really make sense to me. Just raise the price some and continue to sell it....
But I did get 100 lbs for$27.00. Way better than Macey's for $72.00. And I went and bought more for $20 at Lehi roller mills for 50 lbs. They had it in. But all of the source I have asked say it is expected to go up lots again sometime this week. Chad and Erica, I wanted to get some in pails at Lehi, when they get that in. It is better protected against weevil and moisture. They have my name on their list over there and will call me when it is available. Having me on their list locks the price, so do you want me to pick some up for you? You would need to take it soon, as my areas are quite full!
Hope your happily food storage shopping everyone! :)


Erica said…
We have enough wheat now (we feel SO much relief), but it's in bags. Can we use that gadget we're using to put the powdered milk in cans for the wheat as well? Problem is, cans are pretty expensive ($6-$7 each, right?).
Erica said…
Speaking of which, we need to get cans before we come over on Saturday to do the milk. Where do we go to get the cans?

Can you tell I'm new at this whole food storage thing??? :)
Marilyn said…
Hey, Erica...about the cans...If you will let me know today, I can just pick them up when I pick up the canner on Thursday morning. They are 71 cents per #10 can and lid. It would be cheaper to buy your wheat in buckets than to put it all in cans, unless you got a real cheap source for wheat. Lehi Roller MIlls sells 45 lb of white wheat in a bucket for $20.00. It takes 6 or 7 #10 cans to do one 25 lb bag of wheat. I am waiting for Lehi to call me and tell me their buckets are you want me to get you some of those?
Christa said…
I want some buckets. I can buy wheat here, but it won't last long without a bucket, will it?
Erica said…
Yes, we'd love some buckets. How much are buckets? We need about 20. (Yeah, I know we've gone crazy, but it's a good thing.) Also, I'd like to compare my list of what we're planning on getting from my sister's ward (they're getting food storage for wholesale) with what the Cannery sells. Problem is, I'm at work. Maybe we can figure it out fast?
Marilyn said…
If the wheat is stored in a cool dry place it should be fine without buckets. Buckets are good to protect it from mice, and any other insect that may want a free lunch. Having said that, I don't have my wheat in buckets. The guy at Lehi said that weevil are present in all wheat, but they will not take hold and multiply unless the wheat isn't in a cool dry place. Would I like all mine in buckets? Yes.
I have been told that because I have my name on their list of people to call when they get their buckets in (at Lehi Roller MILLS) that I will get my 45 lb buckets of wheat for $20.00. I don't know if they will limit me on how much I can get. ERICA and Christa, do you want me to get you some, and if so, how much? Erica, I know you have wheat. I called Kwal-Howell paint store in AF and they sell their 5 gallon buckets for. They will sell them for $2.75. Maceys sells theirs for like $5.50, but they are smaller. If you buy the paint store variety, I would line them with a plastic garbage bag. If you buy the paint store variety, get the opener too, because they are beastly to open without one.

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