Ever wonder about Michael Phelps' dad? I saw an interview where Bob Costas was interviewing Michael and his mother. Good people. She's an elementary school principle and had to leave China to be back for the start of school today. At the end of the interview, she planted a big kiss on Michael's cheek. Michael was talking about his goggles filling up with water on that butterfly race where he passed Spitz' record. He was totally blind the last 50 meters so he was counting his strokes so he had an idea where the end of the pool was...and he still won gold. Amazing. In talking about this he referred to it as a "Wardrobe malfunction" and I thought Bob Costas was going to swallow his microphone. Oh, and I'm with you folks that think that Bela Karolli (sp?) should be left out of the NBC commentary. When he gets excited he's impossible to understand.


Erica said…
Thank you! We've been wondering about that!! I thought it was odd that there was never any mention of his dad.

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