Finally got pictures of my arrowhead find up Reservation Ridge. Look at this one then view the whole album. I've got a new theme song for arrowhead hunting. Here's the lyrics


Erica said…
That's an awesome arrowhead! My dad would really appreciate that one. Amazing you can still find them like that nowadays when so many people are looking or have looked for them.
Christa said…
Cool find! You certainly have the trained eyes to find them!
Cambrienelson said…
I frequently have dreams about arrowhead hunting. I think it runs in my blood.
Marilyn said…
we have found grinding stones up there before, but in about 10 years of camping up there, that is the first arrowhead anyone has ever found. I don't plan on letting it change my activities up there!
Gramps said…
I have dreams about arrowhead hunting too. In my dreams I usually find a little spot somewhere that has a lot of arrowheads among the rocks. It's like picking up candy I'm so excited. It's one of those dreams you don't want to wake up from.
Randy said…
It's a plant!! Okay not really since I was there to watch you pick it up. Maybe only topped by your dad digging one up in his yard.

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